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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Is It Vegetarian? Canned Unicorn Meat

It was only a matter of time. We've known for ages that Unicorns actually exist, we just needed to find them. And apparently the people at ThinkGeek finally did! Now let's spam them with e-mails demanding they tell us where all the unicorns are!
"Imported from a small independent cannery in County Meath, Ireland", each can contains 14 ounces of unicorn meat. What did they do with the horns? They send them to Hogwarts to be used as wands, obviously.

The following diagram shows the essential ingredients of unicorn meat:

Each can will cost you $11.99 which is worth it since you might be lucky enough to get superglue! You can buy your own magical unicorn meat HERE and I'm hoping it's magical enough to last for an entire month.